Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Large Corporation to Force Americans to Drink Crap Beer

Apparently because nobody wants to buy their corn-adjunct crap macroswill, Budweiser will try to cajole drunken frat boys at sports bar around Chicago with free Budweiser. For some reason, Budweiser thinks that this will somehow get people to buy more Budweiser. I can only imagine that this will reinforce in people's minds just how awful this beer truly is.

I'd imagine the free beer will be given away at places that sell a high volume of Budweiser and probably won't bother too many craft beer drinkers. I'm thinking mostly sports bars and dives. As more Chicagoans want more and more craft beers both brewed locally and in the U.S., breweries such as Budweiser are going to find overall market share slip.Is there anybody out there that doesn't know what Budweiser tastes like? Perhaps 10 years ago when there wasn't much of a choice on local taps, people would readily choose Miller and Budweiser; however, today with so many options and different prices, these two breweries get left out. With PBR and Burger Beer selling for $2 and decent craft beers selling for $4 or $3, who wants to buy a Budweiser for $3.50? It either has to compete on taste or on price. With an unwillingness to make a better beer or to reduce its profit margins, Budweiser is stuck with legacy drinkers who only partake out of habit. No amount of free beer can change this trend.

Maybe we are starting to witness the decline of the corporate beer giant?

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