Saturday, May 7, 2011

Now This is Just Stupid

Now, I try to keep everything on a craft beer level, but sometimes stupidity just requires to be called out. I came across this press release by Coors that promises to achieve super coldness. Yes, not just cold, but super cold. In case your beer drinking was being negatively impacted by the simple coldness of your beer, Coors has decided to go a step further with a two-stage activation process to make its crappy beer Super Cold!!! Take that summer.

The extent of this is Coors' new incredibly stupid marketing campaign. The beer appears to be exactly the same, but now a new "strip" is added to the label to indicate when it is Super Cold. Coors tries to back this decision up by saying that 70 percent of drinkers put beer in a freezer to get it cold. Of course, it is to get the beer cold, but also in Coors case to get it cold enough to drink. A better strip would be something that said, "Hey this beer sucks warm. Make sure it is at least this cold before you drink otherwise you will hate yourself. Also, if you are not in college or at NASCAR, you should not be drinking this beer at all."

In another case of hell freezing over, Ice Cube (yeah from NWA) is going to be advertising the beer. Really Ice Cube? This might just trump Snoop Dogg shilling for AOL. This is the best Coors can do? Unfortunately, I'm sure there will be a lot of tailgaters all to willing to buy a case because they think a girl in a bikini will come out on some snow-encrusted train.

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