Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What I'm Drinking

Even as Chicago continues to experience expansion in its local brewers, the city is also experiencing an explosion in the diversity of beers offered throughout the city. Sure, there's the awesome rare Goose Island beers or the Three Floyds that make their way up or the Bell's, but what about all the other breweries around the U.S. and world that are making their way to Chicago? Chicago is not only becoming a great place to sample locally produced brews, but also a place that anyone can grab a good beer from a variety of brewers from all over. What once made the city the lumber, rail and hog capital of the U.S. also makes Chicago the epicenter of U.S. beer: a central location with a diverse population that brings in beer from all over the world.

Today, I am drinking Cockeyed Cooper by Unita. It's a bourbon barrel barley wine ale, and because it is winter in Chicago (even though it's above freezing, but there is a lot of snow), nothing matches the season like a barley wine. This beer is part of Unita's Crooked Line, something I just noticed today. At 11 percent, it is sure to give a nice warm buzz. The beer pours a dark cola color with a large off-white head. There are chocolate and vanilla notes in the head with some dried, dark fruit. The taste is big and bold, with a chewy texture and a long finish. The taste is reminiscent of chocolate, caramel, plums, alcohol and vanilla. It's a nice sipping beer, especially for the holidays.

Right now, my 10-year-old niece is visiting, and while she crafts with my wife, I'm enjoying this while watching a movie.

I found this at Leeland Liquors for $14. A little expensive, but still reasonable for the city. If you have the chance, give this a try. Let me know what you're drinking.

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